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The Office of Housing, Buildings and Construction (OHBC), which has review and inspection authority for compliance with the Kentucky Building Code (KBC), has granted the University of Kentucky (UK) plan review and inspection authority for construction and renovation projects in certain UK facilities (January, 2006). OHBC will have jurisdiction for all capital construction projects involving more than $1,000,000 and all Hospital/Medical Center (Building 0293) projects. UK will have jurisdiction for all other projects. OHBC may delegate selected Hospital/Medical Center (Building 0293) projects to UK.


It is the intent of UK to fully comply with the KBC in all of its construction and renovation projects. For projects delegated to UK, the University Fire Marshal’s office will be responsible for enforcing the KBC and will utilize a process similar to OHBC for conducting review, approval and inspections and for issuing Certificates of Occupancy.


  • All capital construction projects shall be subject to the plan review and inspection jurisdiction of OHBC. Capital projects are projects exceeding $1,000,000 in scope.
  • Copies of these plans shall also be submitted for review by the University Fire Marshal’s office for implementation of UK guidelines. The project consultants shall provide written response to all review comments. In addition, copies of all correspondence to and from OHBC shall be provided to the University Fire Marshal’s office.


  • All Hospital/Medical Center (Building 0293) renovations, alterations or modernization projects designed and constructed by UK personnel or their consultants/contractors, except projects involving ordinary repairs and maintenance, shall be subject to plan review/approval by OHBC. All other Medical Center projects shall be subject to plan review/approval by the University Fire Marshal’s office (see Section V).
  • On a case by case basis, OHBC may agree to transfer a project to the jurisdiction of the University Fire Marshal’s office. For each funded project, the Director of the Medical Center PPD shall submit a brief description of the project to OHBCby e-mail, with a copy to the University Fire Marshal’s office. The description shall include the project number, a summary of the work to be done, an indication of whether the project is a hospital or a non-hospital project, and the financial scope of the project. OHBC will review the information and advise, via e-mail, the Director of the Medical Center PPD and the University Fire Marshal’s office with the decision regarding plan review/approval authority.
  • When OHBCretains jurisdiction, the Director of the Medical Center PPD shall submit plans to OHBC for plan review/approval. A copy of the plans shall also be submitted to the University Fire Marshal’s office for implementation of UK guidelines. The project manager shall provide written responses for all review comments. In addition, copies of all correspondence to and from OHBC shall be provided to the University Fire Marshal’s office.
  • For projects that OHBC delegates to the University Fire Marshal’s office, Section V of this policy shall apply.
  • Ordinary repairs and maintenance shall not include: 
    • cutting away of any wall or partition,
    • removal or cutting of any structural beam or bearing support,
    • removal or change of any required means of egress, or
    • rearrangements of parts of a structure affecting the exit requirements.


  • All renovations, alterations or modernization projects designed and constructed by UK personnel or their contractors, except projects involving ordinary repairs and maintenance (see Section IV-E), the project manager shall submit the drawings and specifications of the project to the University Fire Marshal’s office for review and approval. This includes work conducted by Lexington Campus PPD, Medical Center PPD, Auxiliary Services, College of Agriculture, Athletics, Medical Center Facilities Planning, etc.
  • OHBC must be informed of all new renovation and construction projects and, on a case by case basis, may preempt the UK review of any project. All units are responsible for providing the University Fire Marshal’s office with a list of all new projects each month. Should OHBC preempt the UK review process, the University Fire Marshal’s office will forward the drawings/specifications to OHBC and will advise the unit involved. All OHBC preemptions shall be in writing.
  • For projects retained by UK, the University Fire Marshal’s office shall review the plans/specifications submitted and then issue a Plans Review Approval Status report (see Attachment #1) which will either approve the submittal or identify deficiencies. Any deficiency noted shall be corrected prior to construction being started.
  • Any changes to the approved submittal shall be resubmitted to the University Fire Marshal’s office for written approval prior to incorporating into the construction.
  • Professional stamps shall be provided with the plan submittal in accordance with KRS Chapter 323.
  • The University Fire Marshal’s office shall conduct at least one (1) rough-in inspection during the course of the project. Additional inspections may be necessary. It shall be the responsibility of the project manager to notify the University Fire Marshal’s office for a rough-in inspection.
  • The project manager may request additional inspections by the University Fire Marshal’s office at any time during the construction.
  • Prior to occupying the affected area, the project manager shall request and obtain a final acceptance inspection by the University Fire Marshal’s office.
  • All deficiencies noted during inspections will be given to the project manager in writing and must be corrected. Once these items are corrected, a follow-up inspection must be made by the University Fire Marshal’s office.
  • A Certificate of Occupancy (see Attachment #2) shall be issued to the project manager when: 
    • plans have been submitted and approved,
    • required inspections have been made,
    • applicable certificates have been provided to the University Fire Marshal’s office, and
    • a final acceptance inspection has been made by the University Fire Marshal’s office.
  • Upon request, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued before completion of the entire work covered by the permit, provided that such portion or portions shall be occupied safely without endangering life or public welfare and: 
    • applicable certificates are provided to the University Fire Marshal’s office,
    • all exits are clear and operable, and
    • all life safety features are in place and operable.
  • A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy permit shall be valid for 30 days. After 30 days, the area must be vacated immediately unless a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Failure to vacate will result in a notice of Illegally Occupied Area being sent to the Chancellor, or appropriate unit head, and the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs.
  • Certification/confirmation of acceptance tests, where/when applicable, shall be provided to the University Fire Marshal’s office for the following systems or utilities prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: 
    • fire alarm certificate
    • sprinkler certificate
    • electrical inspection certificate
    • plumbing inspection certificate
    • others certificates, as applicable
  • If the construction area is occupied or reoccupied prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, a notice of Illegally Occupied Area stating the deficiencies shall be sent to the Chancellor, or appropriate unit head, and the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs for further action.
  • Any decision of the University Fire Marshal’s office involving the KBC may be appealed to OHBC. All appeals regarding code compliance issues shall be in writing. One copy must be submitted to the University Fire Marshal’s office and one copy to the Executive Director of the Office of Housing, Buildings and Construction, Frankfort, KY 40601. Appeals shall follow the procedures outlined in the KBC, Section 118


Upon notice that the work on any building or structure is being conducted contrary to the provisions of the KBC or in an unsafe and dangerous manner, a Stop Work order shall be issued. The Stop Work order shall be posted at the site and shall state the conditions under which work will be permitted to resume. Copies will be sent to the Chancellor, or approved unit head, and the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs.


The University Fire Marshal’s office will refer any department and/or person continuing to violate the established plan review/approval policy to the Chancellor, or appropriate unit head, and Vice President for Fiscal Affairs. All referrals will be in writing stating the justification for such referral.

rev 3/07