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Open flames not only create a serious fire hazard, but also create a serious personal injury hazard. Based on the Kentucky Fire Prevention Code, 2000, it is for these reasons that this policy has been established.

  1. Candles including incense candles: prohibited in all University buildings including Greek Chapters, Residence Halls, and apartment complexes without written approval of the University Fire Marshal.
  2. Welding and associated work: must obtain a hot work permit. Exception: Previously approved permanent work station.
  3. Religious/ceremonial functions (group assemblies): contact University Fire Marshal's office for review/approval,
  4. Food service operations (portable cooking equipment): food warmers must be placed on a non-combustible surface,
  5. Laboratories: excluded from this policy but precautions must be taken to ensure safe operation procedures
  6. Sporting events: prohibited without approval from the University Fire Marshal's office,
  7. Open flames fueled by propane tanks are prohibited. (Exception: gas barbecue grills are permitted but must be located exterior to the building-NOTE: propane tanks shall not be stored inside buildings).
  8. Bonfires/burning trash or construction waste: Prohibited unless approved by the University Fire Marshal's office,
  9. Pyrotechnics: Prohibited unless approved by the University Fire Marshal's office.

Questions concerning this Policy may be addressed to the University Fire Marshal.

This policy has been reviewed and endorsed by the University Committee on Safety and Environmental Health.

Date Endorsed: 26 January 2006